Completed applications are due from the employee to their supervisor for approval by October 14, 2024.
Deadline for the applicant to forward the completed and approved application to Guy Willis is November 1.
*You must meet the admission criteria for OUSSW to be eligible to apply for the program.
Below clarifies aspects of the process of who forwards the application to the training unit as it no longer is the Regional Director/Field Manager/Deputy Directors role.
- The employee will forward the application in its entirety to Guy Willis. The application is located on the infonet as Form 04TR001E. The application is an official form and is no longer sent with the memo. Please review the application and the memo to ensure understanding of the application process.
- The Matrix which is included, is scored by the employees supervisor, and should only have one employees score. As it is the responsibility of the employee to “walk” the application through the process, they are not to have access to others information.
- The FM/DD/PA and Deputy Director can sign the Matrix if they desire.
- The Deputy Directors approval is in e-mail form, thus a signature is not required.
- An application approved by the Deputy Director, may simply state “I approve of this application”.
- The employee upon receiving the Deputy Directors approval e-mail from their immediate supervisor will forward the application with the e-mail from the Deputy Director to Guy Willis.
- Direct Supervisor Note: If you are forwarding more than one application, they should be sent to the Deputy Director separately to ensure only the employee has access to their own application. Each applicant will require an individual e-mail from the Deputy Director.
- Returning applicants: Please review FAQ’s for required documentation requirements
- Once your documentation has been approved by your Deputy Director and processed by the training unit, you are eligible to utilize the scholarship provided you meet the training hours by the due date prior to signing another contract. Your application being received and processed indicates no further steps until you forward your training hours.
- It is the responsibility of the applicant to “walk” the application through the process.
- Application goes to (1) immediate supervisor who scores the Matrix and if approves (2) forwards to the FM/DD/PA who if approves (3) forwards to the Deputy Director. No signatures are required on the application by supervisors.
- Deputy Director forwards back with an e-mail indicating approval/disapproval until it is returned to the original applicant.
- The employee forwards: (1) the application and (2) Deputy Directors e-mail to Guy Willis
Below is an e-mail example the applicant will send to their supervisor
Thank you for your time and assistance with my CWPEP application for the 2024-2025 school year. As a new applicant for CWPEP or (continuing MSW student), I have attached the following required documents:
- Completed application form
- Most current completed HCM-111 indicating no rating of less than “Meets Standards”
- Individual Training Record from LMS (I understand I must complete 40 training hours)
- Recommendation letter from immediate supervisor (required for all) and 2 signed letters of recommendation for new applicants
- Essay (not required for returning students)
- Scoring matrix (not required for returning students)
- *Applicants applying for advanced standing status which requires a BSW from an accredited university within the last five years must attach a transcript.
Please review my application and forward this email with attached documents to (list your immediate supervisors direct supervisor by name), who will review and forward until it is reviewed by our Deputy Director. If approved by the Deputy Director, the approval email will be forwarded back to you. You will send that consent to me, and I will then forward my application and Deputy Director approval to Guy Willis for final selection.
Areas of focus that will ensure timely submission
- Ensure the scored matrix is attached with the application.
- LMS training report is attached.
- Confirmation of approval by the Deputy Director via e-mail is included in the application.
- Applicants applying for advanced standing status which requires a BSW from an accredited university with the last five years must attach a transcript.
- You must fill out an application if you are going into your final year.