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CORE Learning

CORE is required training for all newly hired Child Welfare Specialists.

Training consists of Pre-CORE, CORE, KIDS Training and On the Job Training (OJT).  Pre-CORE requirements are listed in the CORE Companion Guide, the OJT Workbook (for Specialists) and OJT Guide for Supervisors.  Pre-CORE activity completion is indicated within the LMS.  After completing each Pre-CORE activity, the Specialist will verify completion within the LMS and the Supervisor will “witness” the completion within the LMS.  The same process occurs for OJT activity completion.

CORE training is delivered through a blended learning format.  This means that there are online learning modules that are required to be completed prior to attending in person or virtual classroom seminars.

CORE training currently consists of six modules followed by Post CORE Required Levels courses, which are program specific (CPS, FCS, PP, FC./A).

CORE Enrollment Information

CORE Online Enrollment Request

Upon confirmation of enrollment, the Specialist will be assigned Pre-CORE, KIDS Training, and OJT in the LMS.  In order to enroll a Specialist, they must have the following:

  • U Number
  • Access to either a laptop or a desktop computer

There are required Pre-CORE activities that must be completed prior to beginning Mod 1.  See CORE Companion Guide for details.

Core Schedule FY 2024 (PDF)

Core Schedule FY 2025 (PDF)

Training Exceptions – Rehire / New Hire

Rehires and New Hires in KIDS How To (PDF)

All rehired employees, regardless of how long they were gone from the agency need to be assessed by their supervisor to determine what training is needed prior to obtaining a caseload. The Training Unit is available to discuss options for training.

Based on the length of the separation and the employee’s behaviors and performances, the District Director/Field Manager can approve a rehired employee be exempted from CORE. There are two types of Training Exceptions that may be requested by the supervisor.  Please see the Core Companion Guide for more detailed information.

Training Exception #1

Rehired Employees returning to work within the same program as previously worked.

Training Exception – Same Program form (PDF)

Training Exception #2

Rehired Employee returning to work in a different program than previously worked.

Training Exception #2b

Newly hired employees with Out of State Child Welfare experience who have never been employed as an OKDHS Child Welfare Specialist.

Training Exception – Different Program / Out of State form (PDF)

Attendance Information

Attendance Policy

All in person modules begin on day one at 9:00 a.m.  Remaining classroom days begin at 8:00 a.m. Exceptions to this are Mock Court, which begins at 10:00 a.m.

Module 6 Developmental Assessment days begin at 8:00 a.m. and Specialists are assigned specific times for each of their assessments.


The CW specialist’s absences from CORE are minimal to ensure successful CORE training completion.

  1. Annual leave is not approved during CORE training.
  2. When sick leave is taken during CORE training, the CW specialist attends the next available missed CORE session when sick leave was taken.
  3. The CW supervisor emails the CORE coordinator immediately upon learning the CW specialist will be absent from CORE training and communicates as necessary regarding other absences.

Make-up days

The program administrator/supervisor and CW supervisor, based on the number of training day absences, content missed, and CW specialist’s progress in training, determine whether CORE make-up training days are necessary.


The CORE coordinator reports the CW specialist’s tardiness that exceeds a total of 30 minutes in any week of classroom training to the CW supervisor.

Inclement Weather

Under no circumstance should a CW Specialist feel forced to travel in inclement weather if the specialist does not feel comfortable or safe doing so. Please first contact your supervisor to discuss your concerns and determine next steps then reach out to your CORE Coordinator.  For CORE training, inclement weather decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. The specialist and supervisor will be notified by the CORE Coordinator via email of any inclement weather cancellations, delays, or adjustments.

The Modules are:

Module 1

Preparing for Child Welfare Work

Module 2

Engaging Children and Families

Module 3

Interviewing Children and Families for Safety, Permanency, and Well-being

Module 4

Assessing and Planning for Safety, Permanency, and Well-being

Module 5

Introduction to Child Welfare and the Legal System

Module 6

Putting It All Together: Developmental Assessment

This Module includes the AOCS Assessment, KIDS Assessment, Child Interview and Adult Interview.  Interviews are determined by the Specialist’s Program (CPS, FCS, PP, FC/A, Comp)

All reinstated CWS Ⅰs and Ⅱs are required to complete a Mod 6 assessment that includes:  AOCS assessment, Child and Adult Interview Assessments.  The Training Unit highly recommends that any reinstated employee be enrolled in Mod 3, as there are basic Motivational Interviewing skills introduced in this module, which the Specialist will be evaluated for during their Developmental Assessment Interview.

On the Job Training

On the Job Training occurs throughout the Specialist’s time in CORE.  OJT is intended to be flexible so that the Supervisor may work with their team and schedule the Specialist to shadow OJT events as they arise.  Best Practice would be to schedule OJT activities for Module 1 after Module 1 has been completed, however that is not a requirement.

OJT Guides – Specialists

OJT Guides – Supervisors

Resource Documents

CORE Activities & Checklists

Pre-CORE activities are listed within the CORE Companion Guide and the LMS.  OJT activities are listed in the OJT Workbook and OJT Supervisor’s Guide.  The completion of these activities is indicated within the LMS.

The OJT Workbook for Specialists provides clear instructions and directions for the Specialist for each OJT activity.  Specialists will need to use the workbook  to provide instructions for each activity and to answer questions about the activities, including while shadowing, and refer to their answers when debriefing with their Supervisor.

Supervisors are expected to schedule and structure their Specialist’s OJT activities and debrief activities with their Specialist weekly.

AOCS Examples

CW 5109 Assessment of Child Safety (AOCS) – Refresher/Just In Time training

This training provides specialists with another overview of the AOCS and is encouraged for new specialists to take in preparation for their Module 6 Developmental Assessment.

The AOCS Examples are listed below:


Questions about Developmental Assessment?
Contact Yuvonda Kilpatrick