Course Catalog
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string(7) "Level 1"
string(7) "level-1"
string(5) "level"
string(0) ""
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object(WP_Term)#11405 (10) {
string(7) "Level 2"
string(7) "level-2"
string(5) "level"
string(134) "Child Welfare Specialists in specialized tracks must complete their Level II training within 36 months of their CORE graduation date. "
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object(WP_Term)#11406 (10) {
string(7) "Level 3"
string(7) "level-3"
string(5) "level"
string(104) "These trainings are for experienced staff who have completed their Level I and Level II specific tracks."
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object(WP_Term)#11407 (10) {
string(7) "Level 4"
string(7) "level-4"
string(5) "level"
string(84) "Supervisory level workshops are specialized trainings for Child Welfare Supervisors."
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object(WP_Term)#11408 (10) {
string(7) "Level 5"
string(7) "level-5"
string(5) "level"
string(177) "With supervisory approval, any worker may enroll themselves in these workshops on KIDS regardless of their status of completion in Level I, II or III trainings."
string(3) "raw"
object(WP_Term)#11409 (10) {
string(7) "Level 6"
string(7) "level-6"
string(5) "level"
string(96) "Area workshops are specialized trainings for Child Welfare Workers that occur in specific areas."
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object(WP_Term)#11402 (10) {
string(3) "RPT"
string(3) "rpt"
string(5) "level"
string(25) "No Description Available."
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Level 1 Post Core Learning
CW 1002
Introduction to Child Sexual Abuse
Introduction to working with children who have been sexually abused.
CW 1004
Family Centered Services for CPS Specialists
This Level 1 training is designed specifically for the CPS specialist to equip them with the knowledge and skills to address the area of practice where CPS and FCS intersect.
CW 1005
Specialized Child Protective Services Policy
This is a 2 day course. This training is mandatory for new Hotline and Child Protective Services specialists who have completed CORE training. Specialists will be enrolled into this training by CW Training Coordinators following the completion of Module 6 Developmental Assessment.
CW 1006
Permanency Planning
This course is required for all Family Center Services and Permanency Planning specialists and occurs after CORE. CW Training coordinators will enroll specialists into this course following completion of Module 6 Developmental Assessment.
CW 1007
Foster Care and Adoption New Specialist Training
This training is an overview of the foster care and adoption process.
CW 1009
Online: Behavioral Health and Substance Abuse
The Oklahoma Child Welfare Behavioral Health: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders training provides information about mental health and substance use disorders and supports the practice of skills that are helpful in working with families.
CW 1009
Seminar: Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse
The Oklahoma Child Welfare Behavioral Health: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders training provides information about mental health and substance use disorders and supports the practice of skills that are helpful in working with families.
CW 1016
Overview of the Oklahoma Successful Adulthood Program (OKSA)
This training will provide specialists with the philosophy and best practice techniques for specialists who work with older adolescents in out-of-home placement.
CW 1017
Assessment Training
CW 1020
Family Centered Services for FCS Specialists
Pre-Requisites: CW 1006 This Level 1 training is an overview of policy and best practice in Family Centered Service casework. The training will build off the information learned in CW 1006 to increase knowledge and skills of the FCS specialist.
CW 1024
Domestic Violence
This training is intended to explore the impact of domestic violence on families who are involved with the Child Welfare system.
CW 1027
Resource Family Assessment - For Contractors Only
This training will guide Contractors and Sub-Contractors through the process of assessing and preparing potential resource families to meet the needs of children from the child welfare system.
CW 1035
Medical Aspects of Child Abuse
This training focuses on injuries associated with child abuse, particularly fractures, head trauma, and other injuries that may be misdiagnosed as accidental.
CW 1057
Bridge Guiding Principles
Guiding Principles for Oklahoma Bridge Resource Families is the 9-session, 27-hour trauma-informed training curriculum for Oklahoma pre-service kinship, foster, and adoptive parents.
CW 1070
Records Check Training
This training is an overview of the background search and assessment process for resource staff.
CW 1077
Assessing and Addressing Concerns in Resource Homes
This level 1 course specialists will be learning about assessing safety in resource homes, as it relates to identifying concerns that can lead to Maltreatment In Care (MIC).
CW 1100
Early Childhood Development in Child Welfare
Early Childhood Development in Child Welfare teaches typical childhood development and how to identify signs of atypical development. It addresses the importance of early relationships and early environments. The importance of attachment and attachment styles are taught as well as the impact trauma, grief and loss have on development.
CW 1115
Child Safety Meetings
This training will provide specialists an overview of Child Safety Meetings (CSM) in Child Welfare. Specialists will leave with an understanding of the main purpose of a CSM, an introduction to the six stage decision making models, and their responsibility prior to, during and after the CSM.
CW 1200
Introduction to Child Welfare for School Based Specialists
This course is an introduction to Child Welfare for School-Based specialists. In this course, specialists will comprehend the intake process of a referral; know and apply the difference in abusive and neglectful behaviors versus poor parenting practices; distinguish between the basic roles of CPS, FCS and PP and how these different programs interact with School-Based specialists; and recognize and apply how to support children and families, who are engaged with the child welfare system, in a school-based setting.
Level 2 Intermediate Learning
CW 2005
Advanced Child Protective Services
This training is designed for specialists working in the field longer than one year to remain current on CPS policy and practice changes.
Level 3 Mentor Learning
CW 3029
Introduction to Mentoring Basics
Introduces participants to the phases of performance development, identifying performance issues, providing performance feedback, and basic assessment skills.
CW 3032
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing (MI) is a proven, client centered intervention method for addressing ambivalence to change.
CW 3034
Time Management
Time Management is one of the core differences between effective and ineffective people, and is an important challenge for lead specialists to balance a caseload with provision of back up supervision.
CW 3042
Follow Up to Motivational Interviewing
There will be a brief re-view of CW 3032 material. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a proven, client centered intervention method for addressing ambivalence and resistance to change.
CW 3045
Domestic Violence
This workshop will address the effects of domestic violence on children. Research shows that children suffer lasting effects many areas of their lives from domestic violence.
CW 3222
Understanding the Dynamics and Intervention with Sex Offenders
This training describes the characteristics of those who engage in sexually abusive behavior, addresses some myths about sex offense and sexual offenders, and how to interact effectively with families that have been impacted by sexual abuse.
CW 3300
Mentor Training – Coaching
This training does have a mandatory online pre-requisite, Introduction to Mentoring Basics.
CW 3444
Mentor Training – Test Prep
This training will follow up on and expand the basic coaching principles introduced in CW 3300 and apply their coaching skills specifically to the Mentor Training Test.
CW 3445
Mentor Training - Testing
The mentor training process is a two hour simulation in which the mentor is provided with a scenario and role plays the act of providing coaching to a new specialist based on the scenario.
Level 4 Supervisory Learning
CW 4000
How to be a Good Clinical Supervisor in Child Welfare
This workshop will discuss the aspect of supervision that focuses on the work with clients.
RPT KIDS Report Training
RPT 4000
KIDS Workload Report Training
This 3 hour course will provide hands on training to increase the understanding of workload data and reports, workload calculations, and balancing a group workload.
Level 4 Supervisory Learning
CW 4020
Follow-Up Coaching Workshop
The Follow-Up Coaching Workshop series allows participants to practice concepts learned in their initial coaching courses and also receive specific, personalized feedback.
CW 4123
Ethics in Supervision
Child Welfare practice has the need for ethical awareness and ethical practice at its highest pitch.
CW 4206
CW Statewide Supervisor Conference
The CW Supervisors' Annual Conference is mandatory for Child Welfare Supervisors.
CW 4229
Establishing Your Model for Effective Supervision
Meeting management, case consultation, feedback on staff performance, teaching, reviewing reports and supporting your specialists are a few of the daily tasks any manager in child welfare faces today.
CW 4289
Intergenerational Supervision
Quality supervision should integrate the importance of the many parallel processes that take place emanating from the supervisory relationship.
CW 4389
Poverty, Race and Ethnicity Contexts, Child Maltreatment and the Child Welfare Response
This course will examine the historical and current role that poverty, race, and ethnicity play in family violence, in general, and child maltreatment, in particular, the research about how these contexts affect families, the parent-child relationship, and discipline as well as the research on the effects of poverty and racial oppression on child maltreatment.
RPT KIDS Report Training
RPT 4501
KIDS Reports Training for Permanency Planning Supervisors
KIDS Reports Training for Supervisors is a track specific training for PP, offered to Supervisors currently attending CW 4550 Supervisor Academy and others if space permits.
RPT 4502
KIDS Reports Training for Child Protective Services Supervisors
KIDS Reports Training for Supervisors is a track specific training for CPS, offered to Supervisors currently attending CW 4550 Supervisor Academy and others if space permits.
RPT 4503
KIDS Reports Training for Resource Supervisors
KIDS Reports Training for Supervisors is a track specific training for Resource, offered to Supervisors currently attending CW 4550 Supervisor Academy and others if space permits.
Level 4 Supervisory Learning
CW 4550
CW Supervisor Academy
This is an interactive workshop that will cover the following topics: Essential Management Skills, Retention, Influential Leadership, Coaching, Performance Management, etc.
CW 4552
Indirect Trauma Sensitive Supervision - Simulation
This simulation builds on skills learned in the “Indirect Trauma Sensitive Supervision” session of Module 3 of Supervisor Academy.
CW 4824
Domestic Violence Training
This is a training developed to offer Child Welfare Leadership an opportunity to provide oversight on cases in which child abuse and domestic violence intersect.
Level 5 Advanced Learning
CW 5005
Child Fatality Training
This training is designed specifically for Child Welfare Specialists and supervisors who work with fatality cases.
CW 5011
Foster Children Bill of Rights Online Training
This course will provide information about House Bill 2552, which was passed by the Oklahoma Legislature effective November 1, 2018 and covers the rights afforded to children in foster care. The Foster Children’s Bill of Rights is presented by the Office of Client Advocacy.
CW 5013
Maltreatment in Care (online)
Assessing safety is an ongoing process that is continuous throughout the entire time a child is in DHS custody. In this course, we will explore these opportunities, so we can improve in: Preventing Maltreatment in Care (MIC) from occurring, Recognizing when a child may be experiencing MIC, Intervening quickly if we become aware of MIC, or conditions that can contribute to MIC
CW 5018
Foster Care and Adoption Policy Update
Review the new Foster Care / Adoption policy that was released in 2018.
CW 5028
Annual Update and Reassessment Training
This training is for all Resource Family Specialists, Adoption Specialists, Resource supervisors, and Field Managers whose job responsibilities include the ongoing assessment and reopening of resource homes.
CW 5035
Permanency Safety Consultations (PSCs)
This course will provide a basic understanding of Permanency Safety consultations, including intent, frequency of, and roles and responsibilities of PSCs.
CW 5042
Setting the Foundation: LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Child Welfare
CW 5051
Maltreatment in Care 2 (online)
Maltreatment in Care (MIC) 2 expands on principles learned in the Maltreatment in Care (MIC) course by taking a deeper dive into three key areas of MIC identification and prevention: identifying and supporting children’s and caregivers’ needs, improving communication among Programs, and assessing for safety.
CW 5052
Best Practices Serving LGBTQ+ Youth & Adults
This session in the All Children–All Families training series expands upon the “Setting the Foundation” training by equipping child welfare professionals with a deeper understanding of common experiences and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth and adults in child welfare systems.
CW 5104
Generational Trauma
Generational trauma that isn’t just experienced by one person but extends from one generation to the next.
CW 5109
Assessment of Child Safety (AOCS) – Refresher/Just In Time Training
This training provides specialists with another overview of the AOCS and is encouraged for new specialists to take in preparation for their Module 6 Provisional Certification.
CW 5111
Safe Sleep
In this training, Specialists will learn about Safe Sleep.
CW 5122
Child Behavioral Health Screener
The CBHS is a tool developed to help Child Welfare Specialists more quickly identify children's medical, developmental, and behavioral health needs.
Level 6 Regional Learning
CW 6010
Best Practices “This Is How We Do It”
This is a training developed to help identify expectations in regards to safety and best practices.
CW 6011
PIP TOL Session #1
This training will outline the supervisor’s role for Maltreatment in Care and Quality Safety Assessments.
CW 6020
Coaching focuses on the actions, responses, and decisions of a Specialist in providing services to the children and families they serve.
CW 6021
PIP TOL Session #2
This training will outline how outside barriers from timely permanency and court barriers impact placement stability and the minor’s well-being.
CW 6030
Safety Focused Supervision
This training will help participants with different aspects of safety focused supervision.
CW 6031
PIP TOL Training #3
The training will outline how supervision strategies can be used to evaluate safety.
CW 6040
Supervision Framework Strategies
Training is intended to describe supervision strategies.